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Jul 2018
They throw in Drummer Lee-Rigby,
To bleed.
Un-defended, just as culled.

His landmark a rain washed gutter,
Which flushes the detritus of human living into a divisive Thames. 
The cities true testament to multiculturalism.

Young Lee-Rigby never knew fresh from his red rose home,
That the pride of his life would out live that day, and be left to his boyhood alone.

And why up-rose to nightly unrest,
White boys with hate unleashed in their breast.

Yet portion of that well-trod street
Will Lee-Rigby forever be,
From blooded tarmac to fiery melee.
From hate filled night,
To grief filled day.

The death of a forgotten land,
And a scarlet line drawn in their sand. Most of my submissions to my wordpress site are accompanied by audio tracks of my readings, please feel free to visit.
Written by
Wolfgar  56/M/England
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