I hate my birthday It’s never been about me or what I want It’s always been about accommodating other people And after spending a week trying to find a restaurant that will fit everyone’s needs FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY They still have the audacity to find something to nitpick and voice their annoyed opinions
I hate my birthday Everyone expects you to be happy and cheery If you're not exactly what they need you to be to make them feel good about themselves then they give you **** for it I should get an Emmy for my acting skills I haven’t had a good birthday since I can remember My family doesn’t know that They think I love my birthday every year They notice what suits them
My birthday has been a dreaded day since I can remember I’m a good actor but keeping up the act non-stop And amping it up on special occasions it gets really tiring
Written by
broken poet 15/Cisgender Female/searching for my STAR