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Nov 2019
If I die today I'll leave my home
I'll never enjoy seeing the families of rabbits live right next door
I'll never sit outside to watch the fireflies flickering in the woods once twilight hits
I'll never walk through those woods wishing that was where I could live

If I die today I'll leave my room
My smell would remain intact
My clothes will still be in piles on the floor
My books will still be untouched in their specific order
My bed will still be unmade with a little indent on the blankets from the dog
My light will still be on from me forgetting to turn it off as I left my room
My curtains will still be closed because it was still dark as I left

If I die today I would leave my dog
I would leave my dog wondering why I never came home
Why I never put food into his bowl
Why I never took him out before I left home
I would leave him sitting by the door wondering

If I die today I would leave my big sister
I leave without telling her goodbye
I would leave without telling her how much I love her
I would leave without seeing her get married
I would leave my rock

If I die today I would leave my friends
I would leave a seat open as they huddled for their get-togethers
I would leave their hugs and their ability to make me laugh no matter what
I would leave the best people I could know
Written by
Jackson  16/FTM/United States
(16/FTM/United States)   
   Bogdan Dragos and ---
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