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Jul 2018
Where did you go? Slowly melted away
like winter snow in April. I watched you
drift away, though in months past you did fall
so heavy, yet, weightless my heart lifted
as a song, as a silent carol sung
in response to the warm atmosphere
you had wrapped me in, while cold to the touch.
Love, like fire, ignites senseless beauty-
It just was, and still is, and I accept
love’s mysterious allure-glistening
as a street light shines on falling snow
flakes, in which way you did fall on my
numb lips and slowly dissolved in love’s warm embrace.
Or was it I who dissolved next to you?
No longer in body, but a spirit
and you were the breeze that carried
me-a leaf, a remnant of seasons past.
All to soon, my love, you would pass as well.
Though beautiful as a still winters night,
I couldn’t keep you from passing in season.
Leaving me to burn and freeze at one time.
Written by
Case Catherine  M/North Carolina
(M/North Carolina)   
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