hither the skies, forearms doth mere bare hither the blue, his eyes everywhere hither the lush, hither the green, Doth may seem keen
Thy eyes foreclose melted plants, tracing it down as a cherub, growing, fermenting, sun and starch Hither thy heart a mere cherub, growing fermenting, sunlight and green, melted plants and melted jove melted are eyes that bear oceans of wilderness And depths of blue, And death of plant, Sings death of heart, broken and lost little cherub amust Thy seed poisoned with hate, grows into a vile serpent Sunlight doth seems away, rain and storm brings to stay Away with rain, thy heart mourns to grow Nurture the seed It doth not need to throw Away the pain thy leaves hide growing yet repenting underneath skies who art the skies, who art thee, Art thou not A man like me?