She died a sudden death at least the the bullets impact slammed the door. but I cant say for sure. I hope so.
I dreamed her in repose a few months before. I am not a dreamer nor do I think I have a gift. I saw her with ruffled lace around her throat asleep still lovely in profile a hint of a smile.
The mahogany half lid removed. just her face and I shuddered knowing it was a dream as I dreamed it .
You know when you know that you are dreaming and choose to let it play out. That was the case. I left her to her own devices knowing they were fatal in the long term but not so long after all. I knew she would find the rainbow even told her so
Her death wish was on display the day The brown van careened around the corner The blue sedan in pursuit shooting blindly she stood and watched the show go by with no regard. I looked up at her from where I sprawled and knew for sure then that she hoped for the rainbow. Diana was her name.
Out of sync with her existence. Boy how did she last that long.
She told me once and never repeated one warm California night as we sat on the level roof of an adjoined building from her apartment we sat and watched the pinprick stars far away in the black velvet sky drinking cognac as the city lights cast from afar. she told me.
She told me and I cried inside of a father who took her innocence and made her prove her love in a twisted oral benediction. Then It all made sense. We never spoke of it again and her scars glowed purple and pulsing from within.
All heart and soul. Caramel eyes that held love always Never anger or even pain. That was buried as deep as the hole she has lain in for years.
This is as close as I have come to saying goodbye. She drifted backwards. Old and new acquaintances Toxic .
The end was brutal. The rainbow at the end of the pain.