I watch the way your paws swing at every moving thing, Your eyes darting to and fro- back and forth between every stimulus.
The birds chirping catches your attention and the window becomes your throne, staring longingly into unexplored territory. A passing car turns your head, perking ears, and curiosity on your sandpaper tongue.
As a small, young kitten every thing is new. You look around at each passing object, and each one excites you anew.
You entertain yourself with hanging window strings, and chew on the zippers of my backpack, ignorant to the existence of "school."
When I was ignorant of school and every passing thing excited me- I was a child, young, innocent. You are a child, young, innocent.
I dangle your fluffy purple, jingling toy in front of your small cat eyes, praying the day that it doesn't excite you never comes.