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Jun 2018
There’s an emptiness in my chest
I don’t know when it got there
Or how it found it’s place
But with every thought of you
It deepens
An immense black hole
Expanding and taking with it everything
Pulling and stretching
Enveloping time and space and matter
And even when I don’t think of you
Still it grows
Like darkness swallows the golden air
Without a notice
It swallows my self assurance
And my comfort
As if I don’t belong here or anywhere
And I can’t blame you
So I blame the world
And I blame the things and people in it
And then I blame myself for
Finding things to blame
And so the hole eats away
Maybe it eats away at other people too
But I don’t see them
I stand in crowds of people
And I don’t see a soul
Written by
Cam  19/F/Atlanta
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