My life gets a little crazy From one day to the next I've learned to just ride the waves For you never know what to expect
Everyday is a learning experience As I am challenged with something new That's all a part of parenthood You just have to do the best that you can do
At times I think I can't handle it I have thoughts of running away Those thoughts only last a moment For I am here for good to stay
I admit it is not always easy You just have to take it day by day Its a beautiful balance though I wouldn't have it any other way
Here I have these beautiful children Whose spirits are wild and free It's my duty to be their rock For they are both depending upon me
If you watch them closely You'll notice they have a lot to teach Their imaginations so lively And they remind us the skies we can reach
They are also very vulnerable When you've reached them at their core Love and affection is what they crave And they will always want more
To be loved by them is an honor Just look at those smiles on their face Enjoy those kisses and giggles And being wrapped in their embrace
Children are truly a blessing And though at times its a lot to take on When you gaze at them in their slumber That's when you realize the gift you have won