You claim a fortress you've built of yourself To guard you from feeling anything Why the need? We've all been hurt, even us two, and yet we still let people in Let you in You say the ache creeps in anyway Until you focus on anything else and it fades You don't need to salve the ache yourself Admittedly the tendrils of feeling are seductive indeed You said yourself, hold on love Let us sit in the stars with you, and disperse the chill in your bones Take us to your cabin all alone, together We are not the malicious, mocking, twisting agony from you We will never extract from your veins The poison of your pain For us to drink later, and make ourselves feel powerful We only lift, and cradle, and cocoon We never step aside, laughing at your failure, Yourself shattered into a thousand pieces on the pavement Why the fortress? Be an openness Reveal to us, your fears, your questions, and dreams and we will give you calm Fight your demons Rejoice your triumphs Not for you, but with you Are you truly better alone?