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Nov 2012
The greatest gift
you can give to someone
is your time
because when you give your tim
you're giving them a portion of life
that you never get back Ive given u so much time baby  ;)
I know nothing last forever
and may be we wont always stay together But I am glad
every morning when I wake up
I still have you in my heart always and forever but
I'm sorry Sweetheart. .
But Sometimes,
I get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could
I guess its my insecurities acting up Because I know
I'm not the beautiful smartest or most fun and exciting.
But I do know that
No matter how long you'll never find someone that loves you like I do.
Being in a relationship
Its not about the labels or becoming official.
Its about getting to know someone well enough to GET a genuine feelings for them
Its about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst.
Its about loving someone not for what they have to offer but who they are.

Its never about blaming your partner  for not treating you like how you want to be treated
its about how hard they try to keep you around.. !
And baby I try so hard!
MJ Smith
Written by
MJ Smith  Milwaukee
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