My head is twisted my body is broken I don’t know how to breathe or to be a person But that’s ok cause no one wants to hear none of that. No one wants to hear those loud car doors slamming leaving the dogs in a frenzy with people screaming. People may ask you “are you ok?” And you could say yeah, or you could tell the truth and say how miserable you are How dead you are. You never want to see or hear the things I think about or see the stuff that I can remember in schools with flash cards and books, depressing music, and some angsty poetry and to be honest I am scared. I’m scared that I’m not sane. But what does it mean to be sane? I honestly have no clue and I’m freaking out scared for my life hiding in my house as if it were a hole that we dug for safety and it hurts me everyday to be awake sometimes. But people don’t wanna hear that. They wanna hear that you’re ok and doing perfectly fine and that everything’s looking up. When in reality there’s no such thing. But that’s just life. But don’t worry I am fine thanks for asking those who do here’s a shout out to you as a thank you for being there for me when I needed them the most I love you kisses xoxozozo