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Nov 2012
Now I’ve got time
For you.
I finished the arduous task that has provoked
So many feelings.

Though you say I’ve learned the temptations
Of warmth and security are yet ever so quaint and inviting.
But as the feeling ensues, the warmth of
understanding, reason, rationality, and security
then provoked with such severity that I, indeed, cannot
fathom or explain to you.

The sun rises on a new day with a new face inviting me
To walk along
As I walk I wonder if the dark passenger
Of my past, will beckon me; I carry him so lightly on my
distorted, mangled back and I wonder if he will take me with open arms engulfing
and dragging me into the depths of the fake hell that I have been
so involved in

And to my demise I feel the guilty pleasure once more.
Tucker Landis
Written by
Tucker Landis  Pennsylvania
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