I cast off my clothes, as he had asked, And stood against the tree nearby. I bent my head as he demanded And the river, well the river ran by.
I brushed my skin and looked into the sun I waited patiently, stared him in the eye. Voices from surrounding hills faded away And the river, well the river ran by.
After it was over, I picked up my shirt It was cold and wet, I donβt know why. The insects danced in drunken delight. And the river, well the river ran by.
We walked on through the grass and the ****. The music in my head caused me to cry He did not notice. Perhaps he did not care. And the river, well the river ran by.
I ****** in the water and he looked surprised The wild sheep grazing, seemed almost shy. A rotting skull crumbled into the earth. And the river, well, the river ran by
Afterwards, he left me alone and drove away, He shook my hand and said goodbye. I never saw him again, my friend. And the river, well the river ran dry.