Vivid, the memories morph into fantasy. Stark, become the unreal details. What seems possible occupies the space in my mind Flowing like a dropped stone that stirs up the riverbed's dust. Too short seems the infinite & too long before I'm content. For which heartache shall I choose: blind or no surprise?
This has been done before, maybe during my lifetime, But it is surely known that the moment decides itself In spite of my delusion that I know what's best. Maybe it's my languid nature. Maybe biology reveals the deepest tales of our character, Even though we each contain within ourselves the greatest good & the greatest evil.
The feeling, when I acknowledge the infinite space within & around me, Is freeing, But also fleeting.
So, maybe biology remains a facet, Revealing though it is, For what do we know? Much, but certainly not all at once. Maybe we know deep inside all there is to know But we've got to bounce along the surface Experience the splashes as the come & Constantly reminding ourselves That they have also brushed against the fins of angler fish & beings long gone.
This being said, It becomes amusing to observe & experience my biological impulses. The expanse to which we are privy is Simultaneously a curse & a blessing, For what do we know but all & What do we forget but all, & on it flows.