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Jun 2018
Leave him, leave him, there is no place for that
There is only pain, suffering, and those are because of your wrong choice.
I can hear arrogance in his voice.
From leg to head covered in tat.
Leave him, leave him, he is not the one you’re looking at.
Why do you still love him, even though he treats you like toys?
He and his friends behave like childish boys.
Dressed like a stupid rapper, and wearing an ugly hat.
Leave him, leave him, you don’t know how hurt I feel,
When I saw a clean girl fall into a ***** relationship as a black hole.
When you choose him, you and the bright world are opposite poles.
When I see you talk to him, you don’t know how much I want to peel,
Peel his mask, his cool mask, I want to let you know how fake he can be.
Leave him, leave him, just this time, please listen to me.
Edward Huang
Written by
Edward Huang  15/M
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