You were born on a cusp. friends on the other side couldn't decide, Scorpio or Libra. You yourself, as constant as the tides.
A tenth sign ram was blessed to cross your lovely path and the ram learned:
Short curly hair pinned back reveal asiatic eyes. As you pass by and by Time and time hearts race
Chicken salad sandwich, its moist mayonnaise is never as delicious without a pickle.
Grubhub. No, Scrubhub. Too content to leave the room. Yummy Rummy, food in our tummy. forever.
Broth, cheese and wine. Mushrooms and time. If ever I tasted love, it was shared with me, in a recipe.
Sound opinion in scores. Royal, like the Tenenbaums. Bill Murray fantastic. Pink Moon over and over and over. Divide that by nine.
And now I know, almost as well as you, how good Goodfellas is, even after the tenth time.
Early morning awakenings or snooze again and again and again. Paralyzed in a dream or awoken with a scream, we tried a routine:
Once parts of a team, a memory faster than it seemed. Ran for miles.
A boy and girl in the hall, amongst the boys and girls in the hall. Digital regulars in ecstasy. Wake next to you a daydreamer.
So, when life gets hard, and you're feeling down, don't be so glum, ignore your doubts, don't feel left out, I'll be there for you, when you need me to.