If you aren't proud to be my girl in front of the world I'll still be your ***** little secrert but know my heart is not fit so when you hurl it be not afraid it may break on whateva it hits as surely already't shall be long broken to bits. An affair wants to spill, to share of its glory as a Lioness shares her ****, Or an author his story No act is so private it does not seek applause. True love seeks the ALL & knowest time doth not pause so as a consiquence Passion never shys from standing up for this cause uplifting the object you desire Human flaws and Awe Ghouls shant go hating on her without those fools hating him and right or wrong and vice versa each other they ever defend 'Else Love becomes a shadow of what it could have been Not even if 'twere to never heard of such things however unbeknowest t'will still be a sin if in this dark world Love's Light isn't unfurled if dead creeps into beauty & darkness roots its way back in. best we be Happiest now intact with our Love there in so for once instead it's the 'morrow that can't wait to see us again.