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Nov 2012
where do I stand?
where do I stand with you?

Am I next to you, under you, on top of you, inside of you, or outside of you?

if Im under you, let me lie there and look up to your beautiful face. let me stay this way forever, i want to feel protected, and you give me that feeling.

If Im next to you, let me stand on both sides. So that way whenever which way you look, Im there next to you.

If Im on the top, let me lie my wary head on your chest so i can hear your heartbeat. let it beat along with mine and know that we are one.

If Im inside you, let me stay there forever. Let me be the reason why you believe in love. Let me live in your heart and you shall also live with in mine.

If Im on the outside, hold me in your arms and never let me go. if you wanna feel forever, let me hold you.

if i stand behind you, its because you have chosen to leave me and love another…

so tell me Darling, where do I stand?
Josie Soto
Written by
Josie Soto  Texas.
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