Sitting in a room all alone Curtains down, darkness abound. Head down,only one sound. Of weeping, of gasping All else,silence.
Weeping, weeping Seeking,seeking For a shadow Not of your own Sitting in a room all alone.
Longing a touch Familiar yet foreign In your dreams you feel it When you wake you miss it. Sitting in a room all alone
When you sit all alone On a park bench and you're shown A happy couple floating by Tangled in innocent violence like kites in the sky. You hear it, the voice.
This voice you adore This voice you abhor This voice which haunts you This voice which taunts you
This voice you seek In the darkness you weep No voice, no sleep Sitting in a room all alone.
Then a rustle A mild shuffle A sound oh so muffled A sound not of weeping But of feet skipping.
Then a voice That voice you adore That voice you abhor That voice which taunts you That voice which haunts you
You hear it You fear it What if it's a dream Sitting in a room all alone You scream
The voice says, " I'm here don't worry" Says, " For being away so long I'm sorry" Then that touch That chills and burns Your heart writhes and turns That touch oh so familiar yet foreign.
"It is you" You say "My love, my dove" "Yes it is I " the voice says
Weeping, weeping But nay not of grief Weeping, weeping Of joy and relief.
Sitting in a room Curtains down Darkness abound Two shadows intertwine "I am yours and you are mine"