A frustrated affair Runs through history The pages burnt The purity reclaimed Wars wherein millions burn The victory declared in the end Based on who killed more Where did people die more The bodies with bullets Buried in pits and crossed The bodies where survivors Put roses at the foot end
A frustrated affair Coincided the deaths As death scatters skulls in dust As death never forgets to come The bodies which speak of love Ambitious, power greedy bodies Directing the soldier bodies To rip the flesh of common bodies Thereall bodies and bodies and bodies A single seed of an idea in the body The color of the body The money, the gender The lover of the body
A frustrated affair Ignored through time And instead make kids rot the fabricated The ones that are written to make sense To propagate the falsehood To sympathize with one of the prejudices Each word, each man, each activity Each death a matyrdom Each comrade a traitor Each lover a promiscuous animal Each freedom a madness Each tear a lie Each word stinks of cold decaying humanity
A frustrated affair In the present Soon to be a history Soon forgotten Lost in old newsletters The deaths; simple, complex, accidents What is then but now What is not now, will never be What never will be is the existence Of truth and honesty, of life and prosperity The humans populating The humans killing That is a prominent animal behaviour, but Isn't ten percent our cerebral capacity? PK