Pacing the room Talking to myself Cursing under my breath
My written words turn me into a monster Someone who I'm not I'm someone else when I write I'm still that person you used to love
That's the difference between 1. Thought And 2. Action
(Is it a sin to think awful things or only when you act on those thoughts?)
I would never voice these thoughts I have Have I ever? The simple answer is No Never
As long as I've been writing I never say these things out loud Why? Because I know they're wrong Hurtful But keeping it all inside To build up and boil over I can't do that anymore It's lead me to bad places
I write my thought out instead of self harming myself The scars I have only remind me of the past Writing it down leaves no scars I write it out and it's no longer thought about Forgotten Out and over with It's a healthy way to release emotions Bleeding out emotions felt better I wish I could still be doing that
But I can't do that to my family anymore 2 years of hiding it Wearing pants in 90 degree weather I gave up swimming at the lake People became suspicious
I lost it one day Balling my eyes clean out of my head My mom actually asked me what was wrong I choked I couldn't spit it out I finally showed her Confessed that I'm ****** And that I don't want to be ****** up anymore
Shove pills down my throat That'll make it all better Wrong
Saying things out loud makes them real Hence the reason I keep all my crazy thoughts to myself They're not real They're just floating around in my head Waiting to be put on paper
I'm an ******* for feeling this way Not because I treated you a certain way I always treated you the best I possibly could when we were together If you say other wise Then you're lying You and you're people are artsy It's a wonder why you don't understand
You've mistaken me as this person you just met You forgot about the person you actually knew and loved You threw that person away And now you look at me like I'm some bad person All because of these words I write