‘Cause this is what happens when you hand yourself over to somebody else & you’re alone in your head — the least where you want to be — wanting to find even a sliver of evidence that they ran away vs. you pushed them away & which is worse. I am not yet tired of remembering ruin. I want my eyeballs soaked in a coffee pit. I want the three seconds I admit I need rescue to last longer before I snap back & hit my face hard. I want freedom to choose not to be me. I want to be reborn as a motionless centerpiece in a street with skyscrapers so high they cover the sun. I want to wear stripes & I want toy guns in the compartment of my imaginary 2nd-hand Lexus & I want my food vacuumed off the floor with a metal detector. I want paper skin & dotted lines around my neck & collarbone as if to say hit here, or find the missing panel. I want to learn all forms of worship & the names of all gods male & female one-headed three-headed featherskinned slimy able to breathe under water can hold lightning can **** son can shoot laserbeams from eye can run like a horse & act like a man. I want to touch a full moon with my bare hands & I want to do as I am told & I want to focus on my own paper & I want a sudden stroke of genius to fly away like a plastic bag before the tornado blows the roof off our heads. I want to control the climate & tilt the world a bit more downward so Antarctica gets more nights. Somebody whispered in the wind the secret of walking & I think I already know what it is.