Love by heart all we know what love means is it a purpose reason to push ourselves to love many types of love is it just saying it or a gesture by a look does one push to make love is that what love is all about love comes in many forums things we do for each other saying the love more than once is it by making love love takes time to understand who we are to each other love by the heat we all have is it to share or to ignore can love be real or false one can be with someone just for the wrong reason not knowing the other does love whom their with love can be hateful meaning of dis pear when we look beyond we know by not saying a word one love comes I'm sorry Won't do it again Give him or her one more chance love is a giving never a question to ask we do things for each other it's not a command on love time comes in moments for love can be all to what makes it the perfect life is it when we ask is it time to be the unity of one love in what marriage base on strength love becomes a delight of all subjects we learn the hard way in life when the marriage's fail to what reason not being the truth, honesty of a man or woman in the first place everyone jumps to fast for love what hurts the most children or no children at al they are in the middle what is love to anyone false or honesty within a woman or man love by heart think hard to what a person wants in life before anyone takes the path that leads to what a marriage base on truth love unity foundation a circle build around with families and friends love by whom we are is to love ourselves first surrender by giving not taking for granted love is the serious base on love by heart