The pin fell out. The pin fell out, so the bolt slipped, Knocking the bottom of the arm And the **** thing wouldn't open!
Fifteen hundred I payed — 105 for delivery and assembly, But I didn't make space for them, They couldn't lay it out, so they built it standing up.
The pin didn't get set right, so the pin fell out.
I fixed it. Once I figured it out. It wasn't hard, though pretty hot, since early, the back broke the plug and the AC died. I sweated all over the expensive wood, Wiped it up with the towel I was just wearing
And so there I stood: drenched in sweat, Frustrated and exhausted, rumpled and wet Ready for my second shower in just as many hours
All because I had the audacity, for once, To try to go to sleep.
9.25.11 D.B. Guy
_Poems in Autumn_. #2 of 7 . Nods to John Wieners' The Hotel Wently Poems & William Corbett's MIT course 21W.756 Writing and Reading Poems