The blood comes dilute, as if to refute What is, or was ever at all To challenge the must, The is and the thus The ever, the will, and the Fall
The Winter, the Spring, the Summer that brings A freedom, an illusion anew A time to recline--in dreams and unwind The idea that you can, that you will
The will, O the will, O the untempered can Of worms which one opens and finds Full to the brim, before and again "Reality"" which tries to unbid
The self from the mind The meaning from line The reason from rhyme And the is from all time
Separates Us: from passion From Trust. From belief in ourselves From love From true wealth
From magic. From tragic At least in true measure Dulling the pain, But denying the pleasure
The Roar and the Ring A Hell of a Thing To make the time pass or To fill up Your Glass.