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May 2018
If inside I felt better
Would I still feel the same
Would I still get the blame
For what I can't change

If I had more money
Would I still see, or
Would I look down at people
People like me

If couldn't hear
How would that be
Would I still fear the sounds ?
The night time alone time
Bangs and bumps
The wake you up at 3am
Sounds and thumps

So from all this
The best is to be
Simply me

If wasn't me I wouldn't have her
If had the money my mind isn't there
If I couldn't hear I wouldn't fear the noises
but I wouldnt hear her laugh
So these are my choices
I'll fight for my life
I'll come out alright
I'll come out in light
So speak up
Show your voices
Written by
ian macleod  36/M/uk preston lancashire
(36/M/uk preston lancashire)   
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