O Mr. Tin Man, Do I have a problem with you. Your privileged steel of thought Has taken everything you lack For granted. How could you wish away your coat of armor For yellow flesh when I have felt nothing but cold covering my body Freezing over me into a mobile glacier Floating into the abyss of an Alaskan sea. You see, Mr. Tin Man, your coat of steel May be cold but canβt you see You still have a coat? Mr. Tin Man, How can you wish away the vacancy in your chest For a warm heart to move in when I have felt nothing but constant emptiness Rip open my own, draining Into nothing by the pupation of pain strangling itself, hanging itself with the noose Made Up of my own arteries in attempt of Stopping my blood flow because maybe That will make me feel something. Mr, Tin Man, Your skin may be steel and your chest may be heartless But canβt you see that you cannot break. Mr. Tin Man, I look at my reflection and all I see is the green of my skin, Jealousy within that we are so alike, yet not the same at all.