Mr Green, or whatever it may have been Was last seen, across from mine (allegedly) Pleading with some suits in a Greek parody of his own life’s tragedy begging for a Parlay of more time
I know not what, nor if your smart, and your no part it’s none of your business anyway, not that you don’t care for the man over there He was just the spectacle for the day or at least, originally it seemed that way.
Shouting always carries on the wind, especially if it’s angry, More than laughter or nice surprises, I’m afraid to say Roaming hounds were all some place else or had the night off No engines revving juvenile celebration of joyriding Another car chase at the end of another day
Mr Green, or whatever it may have been Next morning was found Face down to the ground Crumpled, bloodied and broken. Lips open As if still holding onto those last words In a motionless magical speech bubble which cannot be undone Leaves him left unspoken Leaves a Mother to bury her son