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Nov 2012
she looks away, hiding the scars on her face
and fears she will never fit in this place
because the children laugh and call her names
the center of their amusement, cruel little games
and her heart is cracking, breaking inside
and she just wants to run and hide
hurt is here, she has plenty
and love is gone, she's left empty
once she was a pretty girl, long hair and smooth skin
but she may never get the chance to be that girl again
the marks left here run so deep
and she can only sit and weep
when people have to look away
no one will talk, no one will stay
she feels like a monster and she feels rage
they see her like an animal in a cage
and she just wishes this wasn't real
all this sorrow and anger she feels
her parents were in the car that night
when a drunk driver ran that red light
and took them both away too soon
she lie bleeding beneath the summer moon
glass cuts deep, leaving scars
and she's trapped between the cars
and her screams don't make a sound
they tell her she's lucky that she was found
they could fix her, make her new
she wishes that could've been true
but now she's here without a friend in the world
and they laugh and mock this sad little girl
for being different
Ashley Brooke Payne
Written by
Ashley Brooke Payne  Dawsonville, GA
(Dawsonville, GA)   
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