hold still, my love! let me freeze in time that elusive essence of all that you are!
let me pan from head to toe all those fleeting memories that envelope you like a halo! --that heady mix of honey and cinnamon as you say into the phone “hello!” --that dainty dimple and the happy curl of your ruby lips.
is it my breath that sways those curls framing your cheeks?
for years have we shared, for ages have we walked the long road together, stopping, but for mere moments, to fight our little fights and talk our little talks, to press our hands together and smile at things small and beautiful, at some rare memory.
hold still, don’t breathe! don’t sway those delicious mountains and valleys where often our rivulets joined in a torrent of frenzy!
where in the labyrinth of time and space did we first meet? do you remember?
you are my memory and I am yours. but memories are ephemeral and fleeting and deceptive.
so let me freeze them in time before you and I fade away.