Have you ever been under the influence so long That when you are forced to stop To come up for air Everything feels Unfamiliar? Sobriety chokes you Traps you Makes your heart race Like a Chinese finger trap You voluntarily entered into, But now feel as though you might not escape. The sober life is what you strive for Long for Dream of Everyone around you encourages, You can do it One day at a time They say Attempting to motivate Inspire Help But these are all lies A mere hour of sobriety is too much to handle It suffocates Makes my hands shake And my mind go crazy DRINKDRINKDRINKDRINKDRINKINEEDAFUCKINGDRINKNOWGODPLEASE This phrase repeats itself, Over and over No matter how many times you tell yourself ICANDOTHIS You know Itβs only another lie in the endless stream of pathetic, useless encouragement You have created for yourself. And after you say this, ICANDOTHIS You laugh Knowing that it is absolutely UNTRUE And always will be How can you embrace sobriety When the bottle calls from its hiding place The place you hid it From your lover, family, friends Pretending you function Just like all of them Waking up Going about your life Without panicking about when the next drink will be When the drinks you need Will **** you If anyone will even notice Or care. Probably not, Why should they, Do you? You never have. Your life is an endless series of drinks and lies, and more drinks And more lies. You are nothing. An empty cup Waiting to be filled with the substance that will distract you from living And then take your worthless life in the end. Alcoholic Forever Unfixable. Stop wasting our time.