Interesting The chance to start over The smooth clean slate of a brand new surface Never corrupted nor covered Never torn to shreds by an unnamed power
Compelling The opportunity of new love A chance to kiss a new pair of lips To caress the curves of the hands so personal And walk amongst the wet grass with new life
Sacrificing To give up the habits to please the guest To not wonder about yourself when you rest your head But depend completely on another for contentedness Equal forces of give and take, a balance
Committing An act of finalization A marriage proposal, a slit of the throat Some trenches just too deep to wander A few possibilities to be left unexplored
Separating Forgetting the magnetism of the first touch of fingers Longing for a kiss on a new, softer mouth A trail of footsteps leading down different paths The pedals of a rose begin to sway to the floor
Soaking The pedals curl and harden, touching ground all too dull Melt into the earth and return to where it came The roots begin to emerge on a mutant species Water is sprung from the dirt and rejuvenates the body