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May 2018
Inside this school, you see everyone
You see faces
You see names
But you don't realize that all you really are seeing is the mask
The mask that they decide to put on so you don't know the real them
You don't see the writing that she has done on your wrists
Or the stories he tells to his grandmother who died last year
In this school, you only see what they want you to see
You don't see the difference that is made with her smile
You don't see the tiredness on his face because he was up all night proving to his brother that his life is worth living
You don't see the rage on her face because she can't bring her girlfriend to church
There is all too much you can't see
Yet you think you know everything about someone
How they look is ** much money they have
Oh they're holding hands? They MUST be a couple
The bruises are fine, they are just from falling off their bike
Written by
Jackson  16/FTM/United States
(16/FTM/United States)   
   Victoria Marks
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