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Oct 2012
O blond angel of blue eyes and Nabokov quotes
Where are you now?
I know on whose shoulder you cry
I know who is your sun
Your poems lie forgotten on my shelf, burned by the fire of my soul

I saw you and him in Queen St mall, O I wish it was my hand you were holding

I remember we walked down this street held hands you kissed me both at the same time I was so happy
I remember you, so ambitious shining on my sky
Your light never faded

Do you still play with rhymes at times?
Is your night still bright?
Does moon play you a tune?

Is every girl to whom I split my heart with be only your reflection?
Cold gaze,  brilliant mind, gentle gentle  gentle
Im lost in a maze

I still think of you so often
Kim Jong Il
Written by
Kim Jong Il
   --- and Timothy
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