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Oct 2012
every belief should begin as a seed of disbelief
buried in the soil of doubt
nourished by the incessant rain of queries
that strengthen
and cause the flower to bloom or the fruit to ripen

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                        ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                  तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                    मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
                                                               ­                                                                 ­         ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

every positive starts off as an embryo of negativity
only the knowledge of the gloom
enhances the wisdom of luminosity
conjoined twins
joined at the hip

cynicism is the parent of change for the better
provided of course
the labour pain is allowed to occur!

                                                         ­                                                      Om,  Lead us from Untruth to Truth,
                                                                ­                                                                 ­          from Darkness to Light,
                                                          ­                                                                 ­         from Death to Immortality
                                                     ­                                                                 ­                Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Special Thanks to Matthew P  Hill for sparking the flame!
Vijayalakshmi Harish
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