In and out I go into the realms of this here new so much to ponder so much learn to say hello or adieu
a magnetic force you're presence pulling me in yet I am unsure of what's inside heedful of what lies in the unknown I won't let my heart be my only guide
"this time" I say with my head held up high "I wont accept anything less than I'm worth. for I know what I deserve and what I can offer so much I have learned in my rebirth"
my apologies if I come off harsh for I am still holding up a shield I know the risks that come with this for I myself have just healed
I won't resist the temptation though both my heart and my head are aligned my intuition tells me to carry on and I feel that we both will be kind
I have a great feeling of what lies ahead but I allow for there to be doubt truly only time will tell whether or not this could ever work out
"time" I say over and over as if it is embedded in my head that seems to be the missing piece though as both of us have said
time allows us to grow a friendship time helps us to build up trust time takes a lot of patience and time also builds up a lot of lust