Confined within a space of perceived tranquillity. I was happy. Ignorantly blissful, strolling through life as though I was living a dream. Not realising that disaster was much closer than I had anticipated. It had disguised itself, lurking in the shadows, biding its time... waiting to pounce on the slightest waver of ones will and emotions. Disaster can take many forms in order to lower your guard but once disaster latches on to you, the downward spiral begins. At first you think you can handle it. You’re a strong and independent person who's able to see the good and empathise with others in dire situations and help them resolve it. But this situation will never be resolved and will never have a silver lining. How can I cope when all his hard work is for nothing and just delays the inevitable next outburst? How can I enjoy myself when constantly surrounded by impending sadness? I can only take such a beating before I breaks. Once I break I can never be fully restored. I can never forget how something has impacted my life. Those events have changed me. Now all I can do is wait, wait to find out if I’ve changed for better or for worse.