Historical processes, sharpening of blades and words of warning,
Memorandums to a once dead sometimes future self; never get caught unaware, never get caught anywhere,
I’m becoming ageless, living through all manner of impossible nights and contradictions, rising into being at opportune times only to dissipate again,
I’ll come through a criminal obsessed with exits, cartographer of escape and anxious vibrations, I’ll get sick as hell and bore whoever drives me home to death, crying wolf till the jaws snap shut,
If you asked me, I’d tell you that rapture already came through here, you could tell by the way the birds whistled for change, The sun wrapped itself in its lovers arms and dreamed of extinction, The ink rose from skin and sank into pavement murals of redemption and gambled chances, All the clocks told the same time and, Everybody’s pens worked just fine-
Sometimes ending is a storm, and sometimes the lightning arcs all around you and never connects, And yet here you are, With all this energy