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May 2018
There's just a void nothing could ever fill
As you sing that coloratura lonelysome
Before all the parliaments I'd built up on my mind
Take a judgment on you.

I'm not surprised,
When it comes back again,
Parhaps stronger
And more demanding than it's been,

I'm always just sorta sitting here
Measuring all the possible ways
To get my life in shape
But not taking the road to any of 'em

And I'm always just sorta wishing
That you would come,
Make a move first.
Those half-baked ideas
I've got in my head
Before I try to share,
They just go away.

Everything we do is to lie
I feel like it the whole time
Cause there's a side to me
That I just don't feel secure enough to share
So I just keep on lying
To get me through another day.
Written by
pn  18/F
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