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May 2018
As I sit in a corner staring at the wall,
Thoughts fill up my head, it makes me wanna crawl
Crawl in a dark place and stay there forever
Keep my head down and wait for things to get better
Trying to hold on as I hang by a thread
A thread that keeps shortening as the clock ticks ahead...

At times that I can not recognize my own shadow
or may have paired my reflection to the colors of imperfection
As I try to defend my alcoholic and toxic mind
or try to justify my actions instead of finding solutions
I keep this image in my head where everything's perfect
But I keep getting brought back to real life and I'm wrecked...

I try to keep going even though the pain's too much,
But sometimes all I want is someone's touch
I want to deny whatever this is that I'm feeling
Doctors call it depression but I call it living
As I have seen the way people have survived
Through days like this, no matter how hard...
Mechaela Gayle Kolingan
Written by
Mechaela Gayle Kolingan  21/F/Vancouver B.C
(21/F/Vancouver B.C)   
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