I began to lose sight of who I was Everything just fading away in the dust I began to question everything about life And I felt as if I began to die on the inside Angry at the world without a reason Agreeing with my demons But then you came into my world Just a small girl But made the biggest impact on my life And now I'm trying to make you my wife You gave me my vision back And I know I'm not perfect, there's a lot I lack But for you, I'm trying to be a better man To make you happy, I'll do everything I can My dreams began to die Now my dreams are to make your dreams come true, no lie You're what I have been looking for And everyday I want you more and more You are the woman of my dreams You showed me there's a lot more than what it seems You got me thinking about you 24/7 And every second spent with you is heaven It's you Only you I want you Yes it's true Believe me when I say "I love you"