you shun me in our heat you turn, don’t laugh. smiles crease your lids, trying to hide it. but on the fireside i see the flames freckle your moonlit face. glanced eyes break when they meet. timetables and time souring my glower-grace. and then walking away, you’ve pulled that card again. does the neglect keep you honest, when the early hours made you cheat. the fear blossoms in crimson and you laid hands, ***** sinner. do try to repent— it doesn’t make it go away. i’ve lessened in height since December, climbing the ladders asking for heaven in dreams. (you are heaven to me.) unreachable.
a siren in flames, voice not sweet but piercing i will sing to you until the ships come in dismantled and burning board by board i want to destroy you devour your living soul call me fate in dust industrial war, or spectral spirit to haunt you, a plague there’s no antibiotics for. you’ll deny me to your master but can’t can’t shake it off i see your eyes in the fire creased with your smile try to shake it try.
you shun me in our heat but i’ll still know you in the embers love you from a distance keep my place in the shadows. just as the future calls for me, it calls for you whether hell or heaven you’ll beg for me again, and i will make you answer, suffer for your sins.