If it wasn't King James who said, "I'm going To fiddle with the word of God for a bit", Then I don't know who did. Burning bushes Or not I think he made some **** up
Just how Abraham almost offed Isaac. It's a good thing the creator has a sense of Humor because Father’s all over would raise their arms To the sky and sacrifice away their sons and only God knows who else.
The king was relentless, He didn’t mind I could only bite my tongue when I wrote Jonah was spit To shore from the whale. The king just wouldn’t let Me end it there.
I cringed when Mary birthed The king of the world as a ******. It was hard for me not to laugh Especially the part about forbidden fruit.
I even made up a story about Rationalizing with wild Lions In a den but as long as you Looked up you lived on.
One night I found an unlabeled scroll That said he would come when heaven’s the heart And earth’s the body and the bones. James burnt it that night while he drank his tea.