Darling, love, sweet lullaby, I don't know what it's like to die. Will it take long? Will it hurt? Will I just turn into dirt? Will I still remain your wife, And reunite in afterlife?
Dearest treasure, sweetie pie, Will you promise not to cry? Will you try with all your might To stay strong when I see the light? Will you please hold your head high, And certainly from pain not shy?
Though ignorant, I do know this- Escaping is a sheerest bliss, Not well afforded in one's life For pride does come before all strife. Though not deserving, I suppose I'll merit an early repose.
Angel with those eyes so sweet, Please pray it to be swift and neat. With pen in hand and tears in eyes, I write to you 'fore my demise- If wait you must, then be content, Live life full and then ascend.