1. Inhaling poison like it’s a sweet spring breeze, an antidote to the pounding heart and aching stomach empty of comfort or substance Meeting with pavement in a tiger’s crouch fingers float toward parted lips awaiting the taste of relief in the form of smouldering leaves.
2. One tentative epidermis approaches another tendons and ligaments straining, aching for contact attempting nonchalance in the lamplight privacy of early morning, cocking ears to detect voyeuristic insomniacs who would disturb the disorderly expressions of early experimentation.
3. White lady dusting the concrete path, sterile and unconfined laid new before careful feet making their way to shiny metal boxes bundled in seasonal expectations they trudge through stardust on their way to blood borne obligations, leaving behind careless tracks in ****** flesh
4. Blazing sun presses down on shoulders hunched behind compact table tops peddling penny prologues to unabashed strangers bartering unwanted pocket change for rejected trinkets haggling over half-dried finger paints and unfinished chess sets rescuing garish afghans from dusty closeted life.