We run like telephone poles in the night Darting through trees Snaking through the sky
Reaching for the moon on our long wooden legs Oh, how glorious we are with the moonlight glistening off of us
Beating with power Pulsing with electricity Arching through the air and lighting up the world around us.
Chasing an impossible dream to be fulfilled
To make that spark, To rope in the magic suspended in the space around us. And light the match.
That cultivates our spirit Grounds our hopes Cements them in the earth and Buries them in the deep rich soil
Never to be questioned or second guessed
Oh how we grasp the air, desperate to grab handfuls of somethings and turn them into everything And change the world with the love and positivity we create.
How we long for the semblance of perfection amount the modern robots that surround us, rehearsing their phrases and learning the script of movie stars and socialites. Rewriting their picturesque lives into our own realities.
And those people suspended higher then the rest of us- constantly reminding us to jump higher, Duck lower Smile wider Dip Deeper Explore more Love harder Dance better Filter everything Raise heels Tighten jeans Laugh longer Try harder
We take advantage of the miles of possibilities lining country roads and lighting up cities Always expecting more of yourself and expecting less.
Struck down by the lighting rod of life And burning from the inside out with unharvested potential. Crumbling with the weight of our possibilities
And tumbling to the ground, severed from our hopes and dreams.
Cutting off our influence Shutting down the light in our world And draining our surroundings of power.
Where we rot and wait for someone with a name tag and an antidote to prescribe us with a dose of energy.
Oh, how we chase our dreams into the ground
How we expect so much and accomplish so little. How we fight for every breath to live out the ideal destiny dreamed up by society.
We run like telephone poles in the night. Pulsing with energy and trying our best to light up the world.