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Oct 2012
Where have you been?
Someone must have died or something.
The end could not lie about the others,
They could only see what was there before your birth.

The fast death of a politician
The eternal birth of a caged bird

A single moment in history that completed
the story that was unknown.
An unknown ending to the portrait
that was burned before completion
and the error that was caused after
the burn.

Would it bleed?
Could it form to be an answer?

So speak of the scent
that flows through my hands
every time you greet me on this holy land
And every time I kiss you
under these stars that have yet to show you
the stock pile of ammunition that they have stored up
to send us to Mars and back.
It's an amazing story.

A long awaited awakening for the sleeping beauty.
The instant unexpected death of the crimson beast.

Midnight samurai's and early morning assassins
Will die before our love will.

Just lie still
                       you'll see it.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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