Florida tore us apart with its sticky lies and hot hot días Benadryllic hazes in which I ceased to play a role in your dreams I dreamt of dark tall hipsters who loved sandwiches on pan whiter than their skin A last resort, you called them, and I disagreed
I fought sleep with weighty eyelids, forced you to prop yours up like tiendas You betrayed me in sleep while I betrayed you in daylight We both shed bitter tears over regretful pasta dishes, then decided again to be a juntos (do you know what that means, dark-skinned boy?)
During the days I’d fill boxes de galletas with the remains of an expiring lifestyle, wondering quietly how much of it would fit into my new brick bedroom You and I dreamt a juntos, falling asleep to shared breaths in separate beds Mailing tokens to hold instead of each other, pretending that word-heavy paper smelled like tú o yo
Always aparte on birthdays, I learned to roll my r’s while your grandmother cooked you mole I boiled water for boxed delicacies in pale shades of yellow and brown You stirred chocolate into glasses and downed them one by one I looked to Saint James for absolution, but always found him *durmiendo