driftwood legs found their way into the woods of my thought as the flames of beauty blazed sparkles of which, my eyes caught
eyes gleaming of sapphire-like knots frizzy hair and a bright enough smile painting tendrils of colorful frenzy over the black and white of my isle
folding her ember lace-up detail her demeanour flipped seasons by as she ran along the chilling breeze chasing the shadows left behind
I followed her in the dead of the night tracked her every move; left no trial by until she paused at the edge of a cliff before letting her forgotten arms fly
amidst the fading darkness of the night the brief stare turned into hours of gaze the blindfolds of lust lifted curtains of rage for she was never on the other side of the edge
my senses condensed into clouds of sorrow pouring into the rains of grief-filled misery as I realized she was just a resurfacing thought from a decade ago finding its way back into the woods of my memory.